Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Twas the Night Before My 1st No More Dr. Pepper Day!

I love Dr. Pepper!  Dr. Pepper is to me like squirrels are to my dog--once she see's the squirrel, she can't think of anything else.  Dr. Pepper gets into my mind when I wake up in the morning.  I begin thinking about getting my two boys and dog out the door in plenty enough time that I will be able to go through the McDonald's drive-thru line and order my Medium Dr. Pepper.  You read that correctly by the way--medium is the size I order even though the large is the same price.  There was a time I ordered a small, but that didn't even get me out of the parking lot.  I figured ordering a large would show I actually had a problem, so I never went to a large.  Many of you that know me may also know my story about Miss Pam at McDonalds-the employee who got to know me really well as one of her "regulars" and even gave me a Christmas card!  Miss Pam still has a special spot in my heart. 

There are many reasons I want to give up Dr. Pepper competely.  Many people think I should be able to just have one on occassion-like when eating pizza or Mexican or chocolate chip cookies :-).  Not me.  Once I let the cold Dr. Pepper dribble past my lips, I will be hooked once again--because it is an addiction, ya know?  Dr. Pepper is one of my vices and rather than giving it up for New Year's Eve or Lent when the pressure is really tight, I think now is a much better/lesse pressure-filled time.  I also realize that this wonderful drink has a few (just a few) grams of sugar and after each DP I have I crave something sweet and chocolate-y.  I've had my hard times and I needed my Dr.P--my Dr. psychologist, my Dr. promise you'll feel better now, my Dr. put away that water I'm much tastier. NOW though, now I'm a big girl/an adult/a mature person that can fix hard times with a drink other than Dr. Pepper-- like water, tea, or even wine (only at night and one glass of course!). 

So, I plan to blog for the next 30 days to let you know how I'm doing and feeling.  Hopefully, I can keep you somewhat entertained if you plan to follow me.  I will also promise to keep it real-- I will let you know if I've fallen off the wagon and swallowed even a tiny bit of Dr. Pepper.  I will let you know if I come across other addictions I take up instead too.  ha! 


  1. Emily, you are my hero!!! This is such a great idea! I had no idea we shared so many of the same feelings for carbonated beverages! I am not brave enough to let go of my Diet Coke. I proudly order Large! everytime. I'm excited for you and look forward to following your progress! This is awesome. :)

  2. Emily you are hilarious!!!!
    I will be following you for sure. :)

    Oh...and...I MISS YOU!!!!!!!!!!
    Katie G.
